Vedic Horoscope Leo 2023

Dear Lion, in 2023, success will follow you wherever you go, according to your Leo horoscope. There will be an increase in income for Leo natives during this period. This is due to the fact that Saturn is in the seventh house of your horoscope. Because of this, there will be an increase in your income more than you think. Saturn will transit this year in the seventh house. Both the sixth and seventh houses are ruled by Saturn, so it will be very powerful in the seventh. For Leo residents who were in debt, their loans will be cleared. People with long-term ailments should expect some relief in 2018. There may be changes in how you and your partner interact. As revealed by the Leo annual horoscope 2023, you may feel lonely on certain days.

Rahu and Ketu

Sitting in the third and ninth houses, Rahu and Ketu will pave the way for foreign travel. According to the 2023 Leo horoscope, you can expect a fairly typical period that will last from now until April. However, after April, you will need to exercise caution. Until October 2023, you may find yourself in a tricky situation. Between April and October 2023, you should be very cautious and not trust others before having all the information. After April 22, 2023, Jupiter will change positions and enter Aries, where it will be in conjunction with Rahu, and this conjunction will last until October. This synergy could have neutral or even slightly negative effects on you. Jupiter will face the wrath of Rahu in the 9th house, which is also known as Jupiter's house. The 2023 Leo horoscope predicts that this could lead to concentration and confusion issues. Additionally, you may be on the path to immorality. It is possible that you may suddenly face stomach and respiratory problems. Your relationship with your boyfriend may also deteriorate during this phase. Misunderstandings may arise in your connection, which could also lead to a breakup. Therefore, students may face certain difficulties. It is possible that students may not be able to focus on their work. The 2023 Leo horoscope predicts that people hoping to start a family may experience disappointment.


But from October 30, 2023, the conditions will change as the conjunction of Rahu and Jupiter will be disrupted. This will have a positive impact on children's results. People born under the sign of Leo who hope to start a family will experience success. In addition, the 2023 Leo horoscope predicts that the rift between lovers and partners will be healed, allowing them to restore a better bond.

At the same time, Jupiter, the lord of the eighth house, will be seated in the eighth house. As a result, long-term international residency opportunities will arise. However, the presence of Jupiter in the ninth house increases the likelihood of experiencing some physical discomfort. Residents may also encounter various ailments, according to the predictions of the 2023 Leo horoscope. Due to the presence of Jupiter in the ninth house, people suffering from ailments will find relief from April 22, 2023. At the beginning of the year, Venus will be in your seventh house, and at the end of the year, it will be in your fourth house. Thanks to this, good things will start happening in your life. However, in November, you will need to be cautious, as indicated by the annual Leo horoscope. You should not rush into important financial decisions during the month of November. Remember to make smart decisions. Additionally, the benefits of Venus will continue to benefit you throughout the year. This is the year of material success, status, and fame. You will have the opportunity to see the world and explore more of the United States.


At the same time, Mars will leave Taurus and enter Sagittarius this year. This will bring beneficial results for you. But from October 3rd, 2023 to November 15th, 2023, you will need to be particularly careful. According to the 2023 Leo horoscope, you are likely to get injured during this time. Natives who wish to develop real estate should do so now. The months of October and November are good candidates for a significant real estate purchase. At the beginning of the year, people may be more appreciative of your efforts. Additionally, a career advancement is possible. Thanks to your work, you will remain unmatched. According to your 2023 horoscope, Leo residents who wish to work for the government have good chances of being hired before August 15th of this year. Overall, this year will be positive for your career, work, health, etc.

Author: Kaly
Copyright image: aleeenot
In French: Horoscope védique Lion 2023
En español: Horóscopo védico Leo 2023
In italiano: Oroscopo vedico Leone 2023
Auf Deutsch: Vedisches Horoskop Löwe 2023
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