Why Do Scorpions Have A Bad Reputation?

When the subject of astrological signs comes up in conversation, it's not good to say that you're a Scorpio... According to general opinion, people born between October 23rd and November 22nd are said to have some of the worst flaws of humanity. But why do Scorpios have such a bad reputation?

Is the Scorpion mean?

Scorpions are often said to be mean. They are also known for being excessive, stubborn, authoritative, and possessive in love and friendship... which is a lot of flaws for just one sign!

Just like the animal that represents their zodiac sign, it is true that a Scorpio native often hits the mark when they retaliate. Don't mess with them!

So, to avoid stings and sharp comebacks, I advise you not to play hypocritical with Scorpio natives. They will immediately notice and let you know.

Scorpions have no trouble finding your weaknesses and attacking you on your weak points. Did you know that Voltaire, Laurent Baffie, and Coluche are natives of this sign, who know so well how to expose human weaknesses to laugh at them?

They are experts at revealing others' dark side and lies, which gives them the reputation of being intransigent, aggressive, and lacking tact. As the old saying goes, not all truths are good to say...

Is the Scorpion antisocial?

With their rather brutal sense of frankness, Scorpios have a bad reputation in society. In their relationships with others, they are often criticized for lacking diplomacy.

It must be said that natives of this sign detest hypocrisy. They can detect it immediately and feel offended.

On their part, they do not mince words, but demonstrate an unwavering frankness. They always speak the truth, even if their words can hurt, so of course it stings a bit...

Furthermore, Scorpio natives sometimes make people uncomfortable because they have the gift of confronting individuals with their contradictions.

Is the Scorpion a tortured being?

The Scorpions, whose master planet is Pluto, also have the reputation of being dark and tormented personalities.

In mythology, Pluto is the god of the Underworld, the one who rules the realm of the dead and the underworld. Just like this mythical character, Scorpio natives are not afraid to delve into the depths of the human soul and reveal its darkest and unspoken thoughts.

If they are tormented, it is probably because of their extreme lucidity that allows them to see beyond appearances and hypocritical words. Their intelligence and perceptive nature pierce through all these false pretenses... like a sting.

Does the Scorpion have any good sides?

You will have understood, with its whole character and its unreserved remarks, the Scorpio is far from being unanimous. Without pretension, it has a really bad reputation!

But behind its mysterious side, this astrological sign hides a great vulnerability. If it stings and strikes where it hurts, it is mainly out of fear of being hurt. It is indeed part, along with Cancer and Pisces, of the water signs that are the most sensitive in the zodiac.

It is sometimes referred to as snobbish when it is simply secretive and reserved. In love and friendship, people born under this sign take time before granting their trust. But if they do, you can trust them completely in return because they have a very whole and loyal character.

Don't be afraid of Scorpios: they only reveal the dark side that lies dormant in each of us! If they sting you and expose your flaws, they also give you the opportunity to question yourself and evolve. Honesty also has its advantages!

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Pxhere / Rawpixel
In French: Pourquoi les Scorpions ont-ils mauvaise réputation ?
En español: ¿Por qué los escorpiones tienen mala reputación?
In italiano: Perché gli Scorpioni hanno una cattiva reputazione?
Auf Deutsch: Warum haben Skorpione einen schlechten Ruf?
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