A Consultation With Madi Jasper

One of the YouTube channels of clairvoyance that piques our interest is Madi Jasper's. Madi is available for consultations via Whatsapp and Skype. So, I decided to make an appointment, paid forty euros, and then we agreed on a time and date via email.

As on Youtube, "Hello, it's Madi."

The consultation starts with her famous greeting: "Hello, it's Madi," which she pronounces with her recognizable accent.
She positions the camera so that I can see the card reading.
I was already impressed by her current events readings, but now that she is talking about topics that are important to me, I can immediately understand what she is saying because it concerns me.
So, in order for her to understand what the messages from the cards mean, I explain the context to her.

Everything confirms the prediction made by my dear friend Sabine Gorge before her death.

Madi pushes the dates further because she is getting closer to the deadlines of my story.
She drew my attention to two cards that, to be honest, made me react and indicated that I needed to pay more attention to this subject.
I consider divination as a preventive "medicine", giving me the freedom to let things happen or to wonder if there are solutions to the problems.

With a cup of tea.

That's all that was missing from this consultation.
The time I spent with Madi felt like time spent with a friend. Her love for children and animals, as well as the time she dedicates to others, is inspiring.
Furthermore, she doesn't judge you, but rather stands by your side, highlighting important details and sharing your joy during the highlights of your life.

Madi is also skilled in the practice of Vedic astrology, and I am considering consulting her in this field as well to delve deeper into certain aspects of the predictions she has provided for my loved ones.