Palmistry: How To Read The Lines Of The Hand?

Among the most well-known and ancient forms of divination, palmistry consists of interpreting the lines, mounts, and ridges that appear on the palm of the hand. This highly codified method of divination allows one to learn its principles in order to glimpse what the future holds. We will explain how to read the lines of the hand.

Left hand or right hand?

In palmistry, if one wants to read the lines of the hand to know the future, the hand to observe is the right hand.

Indeed, the left hand allows to know the character of a person as it reflects the potential and innate qualities of an individual. It provides indications about their personality and their past, but not about their future.

On the other hand, the right hand provides information about the future as it indicates how the person uses their potential and what their aspirations are for the future. It is therefore this hand that is generally used for divination.

Note: It should be noted, however, that it is particularly difficult to read the lines of one's own hand. If you want to learn about this divinatory art, it is better to read the lines of a close friend or family member's hand and ask them to interpret yours in return!

What are the main lines of the hand?

Palmistry distinguishes 5 main lines of the hand, namely:
• the lifeline
• the headline
• the heart line
• the fate line
• the luck line

In this method of divination, the lifeline is the most important as it reflects the vitality of the person, their life path, and major events in their existence. This line starts between the thumb and index finger and descends towards the bottom of the palm.

The headline or wisdom line stretches horizontally between the base of the index finger and the other side of the palm. It reveals a person's learning abilities, intelligence, and adaptability.

The second horizontal line above the headline is the heart line. It reveals a person's emotional capacities, their ability to express their feelings, and their stability in love.

The fate line descends vertically and separates the palm of the hand in two, between the base of the middle finger and the bottom of the palm. It reveals the major events in life.

The luck line is the vertical line that goes up towards the ring finger or Sun finger. It reflects the sunny side of the personality and the ability to be generous. Approximately a quarter of people lack this line, which indicates their desire to live discreetly, away from fame...

How to interpret these lines?

In palmistry, it is important to be cautious not to make a hasty interpretation of the lines on the hand. For example, a long and clearly visible lifeline is a sign of a stable life. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a guarantee of longevity...

The line of destiny that separates the palm in two can provide information about the balance between work and personal life. If the thumb and index finger area is larger than the pinky and ring finger area, it means that professional life takes precedence over personal life.

As we explained earlier, not everyone has a visible luck line, which is not a sign of bad luck but rather of discretion... On the other hand, having this line does not necessarily mean that you will experience fame and fortune. A well-marked luck line simply suggests that you have all the intellectual and emotional qualities to succeed in your professional life.

Furthermore, to get an idea of what the future holds for a person, it is interesting to compare the differences between the left palm (which represents the past) and the right palm (which represents the future). This comparison is generally revealing of the person's evolution.

What are the different mountains and their meanings?

Contrary to what non-initiates often imagine, palmistry is not limited to reading the lines of the hand. A palmist also interprets the mounts, that is to say the fleshy parts of the palm.

The analysis of the seven mounts reveals the characteristics of an individual.

The Mount of Venus, located at the base of the thumb, represents sensuality and the propensity for love and friendship.

The Mount of Mars is found in two places on the hand, near the thumb and between the heart line and the head line. It reflects physical resistance but also the strength of character and courage of the person.

The Mount of Jupiter, located at the base of the index finger, represents ambition, business acumen, and the natural authority of an individual.

The Mount of Saturn, located at the base of the middle finger, represents destiny, good or bad fortune.

The Mount of the Sun, located at the base of the ring finger, expresses an individual's artistic sense.

The Mount of Mercury, located at the base of the pinky finger, indicates a person's ability to think, communicate, and take action.

The Mount of the Moon, located at the base of the palm in line with the pinky finger, symbolizes the capacity for imagination, intuition, and even the gift... for divination!