Spring Equinox Horoscope 2023

Discover below what the spring equinox of 2023 has in store for your astrological sign.

The end of winter

The calendar officially changes year at this moment. The spring equinox marks the midpoint between the darkest and brightest parts of the year, signaling the end of winter and the beginning of longer and brighter days.

We won't have to wait six more months for the secrets and lies of our lives to be revealed, as they will suddenly be forced out of the shadows and into the light of day.


The first day of spring 2023 coincides with the Aries equinox and the Aries full moon occurs the following day. For you, the start of Aries season and the Aries New Moon represent new beginnings, while the Equinox represents balance.

All these messages reinforce each other to tell you that the more you work towards achieving equality, the faster you will see results in your life.

To achieve your dreams, you must stop trying to force things and align yourself with the natural rhythms of the world.


You have a healthy balance in your life. You have a sense of listening, you are a natural organizer, and you know how to keep things elegant since Venus, the sweet planet of love and home, is your ruler.

Your happiest and most productive time of the year is the spring equinox of 2023, when you can finally see the light at the end of the cleaning tunnel. This spring, prepare yourself by gathering all your unused belongings and placing them in a large bag. Embrace the hoarder within you and get rid of anything that makes you lose your balance.


On the day of the spring equinox in 2023, Mars is located in the constellation of Gemini.

You will find neither mercy nor balance on this planet. Therefore, this year's spring equinox is an opportunity for you to seek balance, do your best, and pay attention to your inner dialogue.

The journey towards a more stable vision will not be easy, but it is possible by focusing on your inner wisdom.


Cancer, you should strive to achieve a certain level of balance.

You deeply love and prioritize family above all else, but you don't consider yourself an extreme person. You feel more at peace when giving to others rather than receiving.

The new moon follows the equinox, which is a source of inspiration for balance. The Moon being your ruling planet, you constantly feel revitalized. And then, on the fourth day, the planet Mars enters Cancer, inspiring bold actions. So, there are a lot of changes, but they are beneficial.


The summer and winter solstices, as well as the spring and autumn equinoxes, are celebrated as solar festivals. These are periods of the year presided over by the Sun.

Who else do you think the Sun controls? That's right, Leo; the Sun is your ruling planet, so everything that happens on Earth puts you in its orbit.

By the time of the spring equinox in 2023, the natural world will have reached balance. Each side of the spectrum is represented equally, and this dichotomy can help you examine your own systems. Are you striving to conceal your true nature? Give voice to the shadows; contemplate this idea, perhaps even try shadow work, and make the decision to do so.


A Virgo like you appreciates balance. You want to keep things in order and are always looking for ways to improve the environment around you.

You should feel particularly concerned about the autumn equinox, as it marks the end of Virgo season. The spring equinox is also a major event. The spring equinox and the full moon in Virgo are always quite close in time, although in 2023, the full moon will occur a few weeks before the equinox. When the spring equinox of 2023 marks the end of Pisces season, the month of March will be marked by its own Full Moon.

You have a special connection with the equinoxes and are always ready to learn the teachings they bring.


For a person born under the sign of Libra, balance comes naturally.

So you should feel perfectly comfortable and full of joy at the time of the Equinox. Darkness and light hold equal value in your worldview. Night and day, masculine and feminine, introverted and extroverted personalities hold equal value.

Write your manifesto at the dawn of the new astrological year. How do you wish to evolve? If you could find a balance, what would it be?


Pluto is your planetary ruler and, as the master of death and rebirth, you feel comfortable in the liminal space between the sunny half and the dark half of the year.

Pluto is undergoing extraordinary changes; about to enter Aquarius for the first time since 1778, this could signal a period of political upheaval and perhaps revolution, and it will occur less than a day before the spring equinox in 2023.

As a Scorpio, you're not one to don armor and charge into battle. Through your measured behavior, you will find peace during this period of balance.


Due to your independent nature and strong character traits, you sometimes struggle to maintain a certain balance.

Sagittarius tends to choose the most entertaining or captivating option, but the spring equinox encourages you to find a middle ground.

It's important to be true to yourself, so go ahead and do what you want, but make sure to seriously consider important decisions. Despite less than balanced outcomes, let the decision-making process reveal its symmetry.


Despite the stress of the spring equinox 2023, where the days and nights are of equal length, you can finally relax and enjoy the beginning of spring.

The planet Pluto, master of closures and new beginnings, will leave your sign the day after the equinox. Since 2008, Pluto has been stationed in Capricorn, causing practical and emotionless changes on a global scale. When Pluto leaves your sign and enters Aquarius, you will finally be relieved of the spotlight that has been on you for several years.


A few days after the spring equinox, Pluto will enter your sign.

Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, has not been in your sign since 1778, a very different time from ours, so this is a major change. While the rest of the world seeks balance, you will do everything in your power to ensure that you are up to the responsibilities that Pluto will entrust to you. Take a deep breath, you have everything you need.


The Spring Equinox of Aries marks the end of the Pisces season and the beginning of the next.

While some may be considering coming out of hiding, you, Pisces, may be thinking of entering hibernation. You feel more comfortable and more like yourself during the darker months of the year, while finding the brighter months more challenging and less familiar. The vitality of Aries can be intense in its frankness.

Give yourself a few weeks to acclimate, and give in to your need for solitude.

Author: Kaly
Copyright image: BazziBa
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