5 Rituals To Cleanse Your Home

Season conducive to renewal, spring is also the time of year when one traditionally does a thorough cleaning at home. While it is good to air out and clean your living space from floor to ceiling, it is not always enough to eliminate negative energies. To complement a spring cleaning or to make a new home your own, we suggest discovering 5 rituals to purify your house.

1- Burn sage

The first of the 5 rituals to purify your home is smudging or fumigation. Before practicing this ritual, be sure to deactivate any fire alarms that may be triggered by the smoke.

After tidying up, cleaning, and dusting the different rooms in your home, perform the purification ritual by burning white sage.

If you are already a fan of smudging, you can make your own smudge stick or fumigation stick. Otherwise, you can purchase pre-made fumigation sticks from specialized shops.

Before starting the fumigation, open all windows, doors, closets, and drawers. Light the stick and move from room to room, ideally in a clockwise direction, so that the smoke purifies the space.

You can also incorporate visualization or a mantra expressing a positive intention into this ritual. For example: "I purify this room so that it is filled with positive energy, well-being, and love."

2- Burning incense

Another even simpler way to practice smudging or purifying fumigation is to use incense.

To use more powerful grain incense, you will need a burning charcoal and a small censer. If you do not have this equipment, simply light an incense stick and follow the method described above for sage fumigation.

The second of the 5 rituals to purify your home is to move from room to room with the censer or incense stick. The goal is to circulate the fragrant smoke in all corners of the house while associating it with a positive intention.

3- Use a Tibetan singing bowl.

The third of the 5 rituals to purify your home requires a Tibetan bowl or singing bowl. When you strike this type of bowl with a mallet, it produces a unique sound capable of clearing a place, a person, or an object of its negative energies. This bowl is also used in lithotherapy to cleanse the most fragile stones that cannot be exposed to sunlight or immersed in saltwater.

The sound of the Tibetan bowl is a simple and quick way to perform a purification ritual in your home. Simply make the bowl sing for about twenty seconds in each corner of the room to be purified.

Open the windows wide and start the ritual from the corner on the left. Move around the room in a clockwise direction. You must wait for the singing bowl to stop emitting any sound before moving on to the next corner.

As in the smudging rituals described above, you can combine this sound purification with positive visualization. Visualize the negative energies escaping from the room and/or the beneficial effects you wish to see manifest in this room.

If your house has rooms without openings, start with those and finish the ritual in a room that has large doors or windows. This order helps push the negative energies from room to room until they can escape through the openings.

4- Use stones.

All those who have even a slight interest in lithotherapy (or "stone therapy") know that stones and crystals can bring many benefits to a home. One of the 5 rituals for purifying your home consists of using black tourmaline, a stone that absorbs negative energies.

You can notably place a large black tourmaline at the entrance of your home so that this stone protects you from all bad vibes. This stone is reputed to provide powerful protection against electromagnetic waves such as Wi-Fi, but also against the negativity of other people.

You can also place small black tourmalines in the four corners of a room to transform the negative energies that have accumulated there into positive energy.

5- Use salt

Did you know that coarse salt, a very common ingredient in our kitchens, is also capable of absorbing negative energies? The last of the 5 rituals to purify your home consists of placing coarse salt in each corner of a room to "cleanse" it.

For this ritual, you should not use fine salt, but rather a raw salt such as grey salt from Guérande for example. Indeed, the larger the salt grains, the more effectively these crystals absorb negative energies.

Place small containers like scallop shells or small bowls filled with salt in the four corners of the room. After 4 weeks, discard the used salt and replace it with clean salt if you wish to continue purifying this space.