Make A Spell Jar To Attract Love, Luck, Or Money.

Have you heard of spell jars or witch bottles? These small vials filled with magical ingredients can help you identify and manifest your deepest desires. Whether you want to attract love, luck, or money, we will explain the concept of a witch bottle and provide you with the recipe to make a spell jar that corresponds to the goal you want to achieve.

What is a spell jar?

A spell jar or witch bottle is a small glass container in which magical ingredients are placed to transform a simple jar into a concrete representation of a spell.

Although the principle of spell jars is very simple, this tool allows anyone who practices white magic or positive visualization to materialize their intentions.

Through the ingredients you place in this container, it is your thoughts and desires that you gather in order to better formulate your intention and manifest your dreams.

What is the purpose of a spell jar?

Witch bottles are an ancient form of folk magic dating back to the 17th century. During that time, these vials were primarily used to ward off the evil eye or bad spirits.

Nowadays, spell jars are not only used for protection but have a much wider range of uses. According to practitioners of this method, these small magical vials are very versatile. They are believed to have the power to attract love, luck, or money according to the law of attraction.

Whether you practice magic and witchcraft or not, you can use them as tools for positive visualization to focus your attention on your goals and bring your dreams to life. These bottles work on the same principle as vision boards.

It won't cost you much to try since creating a spell jar only requires a little time and ingredients. You can put almost anything you want in it, as long as it helps you stay focused on your intention.

What can be put in a spell jar?

The basic recipe for spell jars is always the same. You will need a small glass container such as a vial or small jam jar and a specific intention or spell to manifest.

Once you have identified and clearly formulated your intention, all you have to do is put the ingredients that correspond to this intention or spell in the jar, for example:

• dried plants like holly for protection or lavender for peace
• ground or whole spices
• crystals and gemstones for their magical or therapeutic properties in lithotherapy
• images
• pieces of paper with magical formulas and mantras
• coins
• feathers or shells collected by yourself…

Adapt the recipe of your spell jar according to the desired objective:
• for love: you can use rose petals, rose quartz, and honey for example
• for money: you can use jade which symbolizes abundance, seeds that represent growth, and coins
• for protection: you can use holly, salt, and protective stones such as tiger's eye or black hematite
• for luck: you can use stones like citrine, aventurine, or jade, plants like oregano and chamomile, and rice for happiness and abundance.

Feel free to follow your intuition and be creative since these "spell jars" are fully customizable.

What is the manufacturing method of a spell jar?

Whatever your intention and the elements you have decided to place in your witch bottle, you must always follow the following manufacturing steps.

1- Put yourself in good conditions and in a calm environment when making your spell jar.

2- Clearly define your intention and purify the container before starting to fill it.

3- With each addition to the jar, concentrate on the symbolic meaning of each ingredient.

4- Once your container is filled, seal it with candle wax. Alternatively, use a container with an airtight lid. It is very important that this container is airtight so that the magic enclosed inside can work.

5- Once the jar is sealed, take the time to meditate on your intention and seek the help of spirits, if desired, before placing this magical vial in the place that seems most appropriate to you.

Since this tool is meant to help you stay focused on a goal to achieve, it can be interesting to keep it in plain sight, by placing it on your desk, on your altar (your home altar), or on your bedside table for example.

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: yul38885 on Pixabay
In French: Faire une spell jar pour attirer l'amour, la chance ou l'argent
En español: Hacer un frasco de hechizo para atraer el amor, la suerte o el dinero.
In italiano: Creare un barattolo magico per attirare l'amore, la fortuna o il denaro.
Auf Deutsch: Eine Zauberflasche herstellen, um Liebe, Glück oder Geld anzuziehen.
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