The Law Of Attraction: The Secret To Achieving Your Dreams.

And what if all it took was to believe in your dreams and hold onto them for them to come true? According to the law of attraction, the things we focus our thoughts on eventually manifest themselves. We will explain to you how to use this universal law to attract into your life what you desire the most.

What is the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is based on the idea that there is a direct link between our thoughts and the universe. According to this law, your thoughts are the key to your success as they have a direct influence on the course of your life.

More specifically, your thoughts attract to you the things you focus your attention on. Thus, positive thoughts attract positive things into your life.

This theory emerged in the early 20th century with the first waves of positive thinking and the Coué method. But it was mainly popularized by a bestselling book published in 2006: Rhonda Byrne's book The Secret.

This law can be summarized in simple terms with the following formula: the thoughts you concentrate on eventually become reality.

How to use the law of attraction?

In theory, the law of attraction is very simple in its principle. In practice, it must be used with caution because your thoughts can attract positive things as well as negative things into your life.

Here are some of the secrets to know in order to make this universal law work and use it to your advantage:

• Before focusing your energy and thoughts on an idea, clarify what you really want.

• Always formulate your wishes with a positive affirmation (without negation in the sentence), in the first person and in the present tense, as if your dreams have already come true, for example: "I am an Olympic champion."

• If your wish is initially expressed in a negative way, rephrase the sentence in a positive way. Don't say: "I don't want to be shy in public anymore" but rather: "I am perfectly comfortable in public" because the universe (or your brain) to whom you are sending this message does not understand negations.

• To give even more weight to your wish, once you have clearly defined and formulated it, anchor it in your mind through positive visualization! Imagine that you have already achieved your goal and focus on your sensations. Not only do you see yourself there, but you believe it and feel it.

• Be grateful for everything you already have. Even though the law of attraction allows you to attract what you desire into your life, this current of positive thinking also recommends appreciating what you already have and expressing gratitude to the universe in order to attract even more positive vibrations into your life.

Attention: the practice of positive thinking does not mean denying negative emotions and turning a blind eye! Positivity at all costs is toxic if it leads you to deny reality and ignore your feelings.

Does the law of attraction really work?

At this stage of this presentation, you may be wondering if the law of attraction really works and if it will work for you...

Let's say it straight away: it won't be enough for you to practice positive visualization alone in your corner to bring your dreams to life. At some point, you will have to take action and not be paralyzed by fear for your desires to come true.

To maximize your chances, you need to pay attention to:
• choosing wishes that align with your values
• taking the time to define them well and formulate them properly
• being patient because a wish, even well formulated, is like a bottle thrown into the sea or a message sent to the universe... The response is not instant.
• waiting for opportunities to arise and above all, not hesitating to seize them and take action!

Even if the universe responds to your request, it will only give you a little boost and offer you opportunities to move towards your goal. It will be up to you to act when the time comes to bring your dreams to life. Have faith in the universe and go for it!

Author: Audrey
Copyright image: Ralph on gratisgraphics
In French: La loi de l'attraction : le secret pour réaliser ses rêves
En español: La ley de la atracción: el secreto para hacer realidad tus sueños.
In italiano: La legge dell'attrazione: il segreto per realizzare i propri sogni
Auf Deutsch: Das Gesetz der Anziehung: Das Geheimnis, um seine Träume zu verwirklichen.
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