Energetic Cleansing: How To Naturally Purify Your Interior

After the psychic detox, which purifies the mind, let's try to purify where we spend most of our time: the interior of our house.

Why purify your interior?

Energy cleansing, also known as purification, allows for the harmonization and balancing of the energies of a place, an object, or a person. Everything is composed of atoms that move and create energy. This energy can become polluted by beings who have passed through, or who have touched, or by incidents that have occurred in the places or in contact with certain objects or people. When a room is polluted by negative energy, this energy then transfers to the people who live there and can therefore negatively impact their daily lives and be the cause of many personal, professional, psychological, or even financial ailments.

How to purify the interior of your home?

It is possible to ritualize your cleaning using an element as natural and pure as possible, such as crystals, essential oils, incense, sage, coarse salt, or a combination of these elements, depending on what you feel and the elements you feel connected to, as feelings and intuition are essential during a purification. These tools, used by Native Americans for thousands of years in their purification rituals, will help you restore your connection to Nature and the richness of its natural scents while warding off negative energy and spirits.

When should one embark on an internal purification?

There are certain signs that should not be ignored which indicate that the timing is right, such as difficulties falling asleep, moving in, nightmares, insomnia, depression, recurring illnesses, and a heavy atmosphere.

Purify through smoke using sage.

Simply form a bouquet or stick of sage leaves, tie them together with a piece of string, and then light them. Gently blow on the flame to extinguish it, and the stick will continue to smolder and smoke. Then, walk along the walls of your home, room by room, in a clockwise direction. Once you're done, place the stick in a bowl in the center of a room and let it burn. You can then ventilate your space to let the smoke carry away any negative energy. Sage smoke clears away negative energies and attracts clarity, wisdom, and intuition.

Purification by absorption using salt.

To purify your interior with coarse salt, simply place small bowls with coarse salt and a little water in each corner of the room to be purified. After three days, throw away the contents of these bowls, as they will have captured and absorbed negative energies and malevolent spirits. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to the salt to add a pleasant scent.

Purify through waves with crystals.

Crystals channel waves, each possessing a specific level of vibration that allows them to attract or repel certain other waves. For example, if one wishes to protect their interior from wave disturbances and negative people, they can place a black Tourmaline in front of the entrance, as it has the ability to deflect negative energies. Rose Quartz, on the other hand, is a symbol of unconditional love. It helps make the home more serene and soothes difficult family relationships with its gentle positive waves. Lastly, keeping a Malachite on oneself absorbs toxic energetic charges from places, purifying the air and thus protecting its holder.

How to maintain indoor air purity?

Adopt green plants, they help maintain a purer indoor air. It is recommended to have approximately one plant every 10m2. They help regulate ambient humidity, absorb toxic compounds from the air, release oxygen, and sometimes even absorb waves from your electronic devices.