What Is Light Therapy And Its Benefits?

The time change has already taken place and winter is quickly approaching with its share of hormonal and mental changes. If you feel a greater fatigue and a lack of motivation for your favorite activities, light therapy is then made for you.

What is light therapy?

This is a practice during which an individual exposes themselves to broad-spectrum white light, aiming to replicate the natural sunlight and help regulate the body's circadian rhythms despite the decrease in external brightness during winter. This light is produced either by a lamp or by a pair of special glasses containing specific bulbs.

Where does this practice come from?

In 1984, American doctors from the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States began using light therapy as a treatment for seasonal depression.

What is the purpose of light therapy?

When we start experiencing certain symptoms typical of a lack of brightness such as difficulty falling asleep or waking up, daytime sleepiness, a decrease in energy but also a decrease in morale and daily motivation, as well as a decrease in libido, weight loss or gain, and self-devaluation. Often, these sensations are felt more strongly in the depths of winter, and it is at this time that light therapy can be most useful and effective. It should be noted, however, that it is only effective as a treatment. A single session will not be sufficient on its own.

Why do light therapy?

There appear to be two main reasons: the first one is due to the change of seasons and the lack of natural light in winter, and the second one is due to new technologies (TV, mobile phones, consoles, etc.) that distance us from natural light while not providing us with the adequate light for our body's proper functioning.

How does a light therapy session go?

Just turn on your light or put on your special glasses and continue your activities within a close radius of it. You can easily read, work, have breakfast, or do a short meditation - as long as it is done with your eyes open.

What is the ideal timing and duration for a session?

The recommendations are 15 to 30 minutes in the morning, depending on the type of lamp used. Indeed, performing this treatment at this time of day allows for the synchronization of the body and the production of serotonin (for wakefulness) and melatonin (for sleep). This helps regulate the body's wake and sleep cycles, which can be disrupted during the winter due to low external brightness and/or limited time spent outdoors by the individual.

When to do light therapy?

Rather in the morning, upon waking up or during breakfast. At the beginning of autumn, one can start their treatment and continue it until the arrival of sunny days.

What are the dangers of light therapy?

This concerns dangers related to a session that is too long. Possible effects include dryness or eye fatigue, and headaches. Another recommendation is not to practice in the evening, for fear of experiencing the opposite effect and worsening sleep problems. It is recommended to discuss this with a doctor before undertaking this kind of practice in case you have personal medical contraindications.

Do you need a prescription?

There is no need for a prescription as you can buy a special lamp or a pair of glasses and use them at home as you wish. However, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor beforehand as there are certain contraindications, especially in the presence of ocular or psychological problems. In some cases, it is possible to obtain a prescription from your doctor to start a light therapy treatment, and in this case, health insurance will cover part of the costs.

Does light therapy help improve sleep?

Yes indeed, it helps to reset circadian rhythms and boost serotonin levels when used (ideally in the morning) and inhibits the production of melatonin, a hormone that aids in sleep. The latter will be released again in the evening, at the end of the day, when serotonin levels have decreased.

Can we do light therapy at home?

Of course, you just need to choose a specific lamp or pair of glasses and buy them. Pay close attention to the power of the lamp and the recommended duration by the manufacturer as one depends on the other. If you prefer, you can also find institutes and do your treatment there.

Author: Juliette Rogala
Copyright image: Josh Boot
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